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Françoise Limouzy has many talents, one of which is writing, from which I benefit here, but she is also an actress, director, painter and teacher of yoga, my yoga teacher, who has supported me for a number of years.
With her sensitivity, and from her own point of view, she describes the course of my life in these beautiful words.


Pink of mother-of-pearl and flesh

The genius of Rose Saneuil lies in the intuition she had of believing in her own talent, the innermost conviction that she could bring a new breath of air to marquetry based on tradition. She now receives, in return, admiration, respect and international recognition for her exceptional know-how.

Rose decided to listen to the call of destiny while she was working in administration, married and the mother of a family, having been told since childhood that she was useless with her hands. The harsh sentence uttered by several members of her family: “you will never do anything with your hands” has worked wonderfully. More often than not, we have all experienced the way in which, or so it seems to me, the terrible phrases that some teachers use to condemn us, far from defeating us, strengthen our determination, our imagination, spur our phenomenal will to deny them. And the more these arrows reach us, the more they give fulfillment to the enterprise of our lives. This is the case with Rose.

At thirty-one, this young mother changes her family life, leaves her job, enrolls in Boulle school of cabinetmaking where she meets the companion who shares her enthusiasm. This commitment to manual, difficult, demanding activity, which she calls visceral, will absorb her whole new life. She wants to touch matter with passion; to achieve this she learns the technique of inlaying and thus becomes a marqueteuse.

She begins, quietly, in a luxury Tabletterie where she decorates boxes for the great brands (Hermes, Cartier, Van Cleef and Arpels, Boucheron). Too vulnerable at this stage to free herself from those who exploit her mastery, she produces multiple designs, throwing herself constantly into new techniques, learning skills, experimenting with original materials, innovating, daring!

From there, Rose Saneuil develops her originality by specialising in miniature marquetry. In 2013, driven by the desire to express her own imagination, to assert her autonomy as an artist, she became an independent designer, installed in her studio under the roofs of her duplex.

What is the secret of this charming, delicate, valiant, young woman who has something of the warrior about her? First of all, we notice in her eyes  as a palette of colors. Gold, blue or green? We cannot be sure. They all merge like flames. Then, the image of this frail and coquettish silhouette betrays a fragility which is immediately countered by the energy of her rapid step. When she handles the tools at her workbench, the skill of her fingers reveals perfect control.

Her hands are fine, agile and already marked by the traces of a constant work. And finally, these hands tell us that Rose is anchored. Anchored on the path she has fortunately chosen; independent, lucid, courageous.

Anchored in the reality of her work, in the laborious and meticulous resumption of her movements. She knows that she must impose her own style,  and chooses to make her mark through excellence.

Sycamore, meshplane, walnut, bone, straw, mother-of-pearl, leather, amaranth, zinc, shagreen, corian, brass, gold leaf, parchment and eggshell. The rarity of her work lies in the way she uses them precisely, together with that spark of intelligence which enables her to unite them. Her skill lies in making a harmonious whole of so many diversities. (thickness, density, touch).

From salon to exhibition, to Biennale presentations, she seduces and impresses. As well as her professional work, she also paints with the colors, reflections, vibrations and materials that she carves. The designer reveals herself to be a plastic artist. She seeks to express feelings in the design of large-format paintings. Her biggest achievement is a triptych of 2.10m / 1.05m. Undergrowth, flowers, human body ; she is constantly exploring whilst continuing to create treasures which are more and more appreciated.

Rose, I’ve known you now for ten years. Ten years of quiet friendship over the weeks when you came to my yoga class. I saw you anxious, tired, uncertain but always radiant, rich in a precious quality, that of wonder. You reach for the stars and are moved and grateful for it all. Exclusive artist at Piaget, one of the most prestigious watchmakers, courted by watchmakers, admired by your peers for your unique talent, pursued by the international press, nothing distracts you from rejoicing in what happens,

despite the long hours of solitude, cutting pieces, sometimes no bigger than a few tenths of millimeters, assembling, gluing, sanding, and varnishing in a small space under an attic apartment. But there, above the roof, there is the sky, its colors and its natural light. I do not doubt that a few pieces of this light shine only for you, that they illuminate your inspired soul and that thus we receive the gift of beauty and grace of your creation.

Françoise Limouzy

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