This bouquet of flowers is a vibrant tribute to a lady dear to my heart, Denise, who passed away a few months ago. Inspired by the last bouquet I gave her, this shimmering design is a faithful reflection of her colorful personality.
Denise was a woman of incomparable radiance, always dressed in bright colors and sporting a radiant smile. She was the epitome of coquetry and joie de vivre.
For the first time in my work, I incorporated precious stones, bamboo leaf and handled the feather with a new delicacy.
These elements, combined with the bold color palette, pay tribute to this lady’s vivacity and elegance.
Dimensions :
57 x 55 mm
Materials :
sycamore, tulipwood, myrtle burl, bird’s-eye maple, Ceylon lemon, pear, walnut burl, plane tree, walnut, wenge, bamboo leaf, beetle elytra, parchment, leather (calf, lamb), straw, feather (pheasant, parakeet), stones (spinel, rhodolite, Hessonite garnet)